The Dispute - Live Performance - Premiered RISING Festival, 2021

When parents separate, children feel it too. But how often are their voices heard?

Based on the original production from French/Algerian theatre maker Mohamed El Khatib, The Dispute turns the tables on the common narrative of family separation.

Six children take the stage to share their stories, questions and perspectives on their parents’ separation. They ask burning questions and put the event into their works, telling it how they see it.

In preparation, director Jackson Castiglione interviewed over 60 young people and the final cast worked with him to shape the script, drawing on their own stories, those of the originating French cast and further insights from other interviewees who couldn’t be in the production.

Each of the young performers has taken an active part in the creation of the work. Their observations reveal an intelligence and awareness that is moving, sweet, funny and insightful. The Dispute is audacious, intimate, mischievous and emotional.

By Mohamed El Khatib and Jackson Castiglione

Based on the original production by Mohamed El Kahtib (FR)

Script adapted by Jackson Castiglione, Eden, Otis, Felix, Maya, Hugo, Mila and all the children who shared their stories.

Australian Team

Director: Jackson Castiglione

Cast: Eden, Otis, Hugo, Maya, Mila, Felix and Zara (understudy).

Musical Director: Kate Neal

Lighting Designer: Amelia Lever-Davidson

Video Artist: Rhian Hinkley

Child Welfare Producer: Romi Kupfer

Producers: Erin Milne and Xavier O’Shannessy

Production Manager: Bec Etchell

Stage Manager: Libby Gilbert

Sound Operator: Andrew “Boz” Boswell

Associate Lighting Designer: Jacob Shears

Additional Production support: Taran Ablitt, Shelley O’Meara, Alysha Watt, Jem Savage

Stepfamilies Australia provided support and advice.

Commissioned by RISING festival. Presented with Arts House. Video documentation is available upon request.